Page name: Castle Main Hall [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-08-03 06:38:08
Last author: Yudan333
Owner: Yudan333
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Main Hall


Welcome to the Main Hall. The ceilings tower over head by nearly 50ft. Chandeliers hand down mid way but allow you enough room to stand however if you are rather tall please do watch your head. Doors line the left of the hall leading to different area's as well as some storage rooms. Tables line the side and sometimes are moved when their are dances in this hall. So it is used as a entry as well as a ballroom of sorts.

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2011-07-30 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes looked up at the mural, small figure standing silently in front of it. She had been staring at it for quite some time, clutching the handsewn rabbit in both hands. There was an aura of nervousness and fear about the girl, despite her calm appearance.

She'd arrived here alone...had seen or spoken to no one. And, remarkably, the waif-like figure had been standing here for hours...without twitching so much as a muscle. Long dark hair was pulled back, held in place by what seemed to be an elegant and somewhat ornate silver butterfly clip. She hugged the rabbit tighter to her, as she continued to stare...

...Stare and wait patiently...for someone to come along, or for something to happen...

2011-07-31 [Yudan333]: A silver haired young man came around the corner and looked at the huge hall and tilted his head to the child and smiled, "HI There!" He said rather excitedly as if he were the child. He lightly walked over and did a bow at the waist, "M'lady! I am Dir En Grey. You can call me Grey. Oooo What a beautiful rabbit! Does he have a name? I used to have.. hrm... well now that i think of it I don't think I ever owned a doll." He taps his chin and pondered. H was in ninja turtle pjs and a colorful rainbow ty-dye tee. He lowered to his knee and smiled, "So what's your name beautiful?" He offered his hand to let her shake.

2011-08-01 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes looked up at the voice, showing just how startled she was, though she didn't move or tense up. She said nothing as he introduced himself and gripped the rabbit even tighter when he noticed it. The girl did not answer when Dir En Grey asked for her name, did not take the offered hand...only stared. A silver butterfly appeared out of nowhere, looking very much like the one in her hair only without the garnet colored eyes, and alighted on his outstretched hand...the effect was almost instantaneous. Dark eyes watched as the skin began to redden, then blister...She hugged the rabbit still tighter as this butterfly disappeared, and another took its place, landing in the same place the previous one had, causing the effect to stop immediately. "...I'm...sorry..." voice was so soft it was almost inaudible...the poor child looked as if she were about to bolt in terror.

You couldn't really blame her...she was but a child...her abilities sometimes got away from her...and it did not help that she was alone...

"You would do well to move slowly and keep your tone down..." An irascible voice shattered the stillness...and then she remembered she was not entirely by herself.

Mister Irving had come with her...

His blue button eyes held a bit of disdain for the lad, and more than a small amount of concern for the girl. "Miss Ariston is easily startled." There was no sympathy in his tone for the pain the other surely must have felt...but, given that Mister Irving's concern was primarily for the girl, this was not surprising in the least.

2011-08-01 [Yudan333]: Grey watched the child and simple smiling and seeing the butterfly he watched it and when it lightly sparked his skin he jumped back shaking his hand furiously, "Ow!" He began to blow on it and lick it finding it more annoying than painful. He sat on his ass crossing his legs and proceeded in licking the wound but when another one sat upon him he closed his eyes tight expecting the same but it was more so healed. He licked it still and rubbed it, "Well that was interesting. I suppose I will surely not sneak up on people."

His silver eyes went to her and he smiled, "Oh don't be sorry sweetheart. Nothing a good bit of lavender wont cure I'm sure." He smiled cheerfully having no hard feelings then with the other voice came he looked around, "Um... Who's there?"

His eyes went to the small rabbit in her hands and he saw it speak and gasped, "WOH, a robot bunny? That's cool." He then tilted his head and looked to the girl and smiled, "So you Miss Ariston? What a wonderful name. I'll call you Ari. Are you lost Ari? Why are you alone?" He saw the sadness in her eyes and he simply smiled, "I came here alone. This place is big so I keep getting lost. I'm glad your bunny friend is with you. I wish I had a friend with me. Would you be my friend?" He asked tilting his head to the side much like a dog would.

2011-08-01 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes widened as she stood there watching his reaction, then closed, waiting for a blow that never came. When he spoke again, she stared at him curiously, starting again when Dir En Grey started looking around for the source of the voice.

The rabbit's eyes grew even more disdainful, and once more he spoke...given that his mouth was handsewn too, it was most unusual to hear his voice, "...I am hardly," said the indignant rabbit, "a robot...and you would do well not to address Miss Ariston in such a familiar manner, whelp..." The girl hugged him closer and Mister Irving fell silent. Dark eyes watched him and it was a few long moments before she spoke. "I don't mind if you call me Ari..." the rabbit gave a huff of displeasure, "...but Mister Irving is usually the only one who calls me that..." a pause, "...I don't know if I'm lost...I just started walking..." Dark eyes grew sadder, but she didn't answer his question as to why she was alone and only nodded in answer to his last question. There was something about this person that made her agree...something that told her he was no threat...Mister Irving, however, was not so easily swayed. "Keep your questions to yourself, whelp," he said, eyeing the pup. "...You almost made Miss Ariston cry."

2011-08-01 [Yudan333]: Grey looked to the bunny and sadly looked to the girl, "I am sorry Miss Ari. If you would like I can make it up to you. You can come to my room. I just made macaroni if your hungry I wouldn't mind sharing or if you like I can show you some tricks. I'm a shifter. I'm magic. Like a... fairy or... um.. a wizard." He smiled and looked to her as he held his knees, "Would you like me to show you a trick? You have to tell me your favorite thing in the whole wide world. Maybe an animal? Or a toy? Maybe a person, like the president." He smiled waiting as he watched her.

2011-08-01 [Sicarius]: She offered up a hesitant smile, "It's okay...Mister Irving always acts like this..." "And you know why, Miss Ariston," the bunny broke in, "...remember the city?" Ari's lower lip trembled slightly, and the rabbit spoke hurriedly, losing his gruff tone, "I'm sorry...I should not have brought it up...Forgive me Miss Ariston..." His blue button eyes looked genuinely apologetic, and the child simply hugged was a simple matter for her to forgive him...She knew full well he hadn't meant to upset her, merely remind her of what could happen. "...I am kind of hungry..." she said slowly, her stomach grumbling a few seconds later, betraying how hungry she actually was. Normally sorrowful and serious eyes lit up when he mentioned magic tricks, "Really?!" For a brief instant she was exactly like a 'normal' child...and then the light faded, "...A shifter..." she repeated. She knew what those were, and it was clear by the brief look of panic on her face that she knew exactly what those were, and that her experience had not been a small shake of her head, she gave another hesitant smile. "My favorite thing in the whole world..." Ari had to think for a moment, and then her eyes grew sad, " favorite thing...isn't here anymore..." Mister Irving, eager to avoid having his ward cry, was quick to speak, "...what about guinea pigs?" he said, voice soothing, cajoling, "...or puppy dogs? Remember how you're always saying you'd like to have one some day? ...Or maybe even a real bunny rabbit?" Ariston's face brightened, "...But I've already got you, Mister Irving..." she said, hugging the rabbit, "...still, you're right...I always did want a puppy...It doesn't matter what type..." Thank goodness, Irving thought, giving a mental sigh of relief, while glaring at Dir En Grey, nevermind that the poor fellow didn't know anything about Ariston's past.

2011-08-01 [Yudan333]: Grey watched the child's emotions and when the bunny mentioned the city and saw the child lightly tremble he was about ready to but in. He knew how bad past reminders could be. But he kept his mouth shut and when she said she was hungry he thought of taking her back to his room soon enough to let her eat but then her excitement even made him happy only to hear her tone shift to almost fear or sadness. He watched the two conversate and then the child's tone of wanting a puppy. He smiled and nods, "Well consider me your loyal pup Grey at your service m'lady." He did a small bow then backed up and he began to shrink into the clothing untill the mound of clothes began to move and their was a whine. Poking his head up he yips and crawled out of his clothing and went to her and wags his curly small tail. A husky; soft white colored coat with a dark bit of grey upon his back and shoulders and at his haunches and the line of his tail as well. Both eyes a brilliant blue. He sat before her and lifted his paw as if asking to shake. He had puppy breath which was easily smelled. He then perked his ears to her as one of his ears flopped as if he couldn't get it to stay up when really he hoped it would make her smile.

2011-08-01 [Sicarius]: Ariston watched him and listened as he spoke. Head tilted slightly to the left as she watched him shrink, then disappear. Dark eyes grew wide in surprise when she heard a yip, and then she smiled down at him. "Oooh, puppy!" she said, voice still soft, but full of excitement, "So cute and fluffy!" Her eyes were sparkling as she bent down, holding Irving tightly in one hand, and shook Grey's paw. The little girl couldn't help but give a small laugh as she saw the floppy ear. And quite suddenly she was hugging him gently, burying her face in his fur...Irving was, for lack of a better word, shocked. He'd never seen his mistress take to anything like this...granted, he had to admit (however grudgingly) that this man was more like a child than Ariston. "She seems to like you well enough," he said, voice still gruff, though not as bad as before. "...see that it stays that way..."

2011-08-01 [Yudan333]: Grey saw her eyes light up and being hugged he winced and licked her cheek gently before commenting, "Choking not breathing.." When let go he inhaled air and smiled wagging his tail happily, "I think my furs thick enough watch this." He turned and ran across the floor and began to slide across the waxed smoothed surface and barked as he slid into a chair. He rolled over and got up and pranced back and slid to his clothes and tripped into them and skidded a few more feet. He gave small snarls and bit his clothing and looked up to her tilting his head and flopped his ear.

2011-08-01 [Sicarius]: At his comment, she gave an embarrassed frown and pulled back. Dark eyes watched him as he began to run and slide across the floor, and, much to her (not to mention Irving's) surprise, the girl began to giggle. "...Granted, you are in dog form, but you're the first to make her laugh..." the rabbit was impressed, "...and a Shifter at that..." Ariston's stomach rumbled loud enough to be heard over her giggling fit, and Irving spoke again, "You mentioned food earlier...Miss Ariston hasn't eaten for awhile...perhaps it would be wise to make sure she does now..." The girl, in the meantime, was busy petting the 'puppy,' too excited to think about how hungry she was.

2011-08-01 [Yudan333]: Grey simply smiled at being pet; getting attention made him happy. He somehow enjoyed being in the middle of things." He smiled and licked her cheek and grabs his clothes in his mouth and began to walk down the hall slipping a bit here and there and smoke with his mouth full of his clothes, "Fur fwe can go fu my froom to eat." He looked down the hall peeking down one way then the other and sat down thinking which way he came from. He turns left, "Fis fway!"

2011-08-01 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes sparkled, only to have it fade away when Grey moved away to grab his clothes. To be sure, she was still quite happy at having found someone friendly...this was just her usual look though...Hugging Irving close to her, she followed close behind, not wanting to lose sight of Grey...the last thing she needed or wanted right now, was to become lost in this place.

2011-08-01 [Yudan333]: Grey lead her down the hallway and stayed near her making sure not to loose his new friend. He looked to a large door and caught the scent of males and knew he found the male quarters. He jumped up and pulled the bar handle down and it creaked open. He looked into the lounging area with red carpets and leather love seats. He trotted to a hall of doors and went to a bright green one and pushed it open. Entering Dir En Grey's Castle Room ((U dont have to post here just go to the room ^^))

2011-08-03 [GlassCasket]: Cliff entered through a large dropgate at the ending of mayhem and destruction. This of course was referring to the desolate wastes that were once his home. He looked around the opened corridors and turned to face the large opening behind him. He looked over the dead plant and animals and the dark dust that had been contaminated so utterly bad. He looked over them then bowed kneeling on one knee as if bidding the Earth a final farewell, "Goodbye my home from which i came, hello to a new life once again..." He said quietly before standing and turning back to the main entryway, "Wonder if anyone is here..." He said holding the letter that arrived at the Mages guild just before its complete destruction. It seemed that no matter where he went only destruction followed. He sat in a chair on the opposing wall from the door and kicked his feet up waiting on something. He wasn't sure what he was waiting for but he knew that something should be coming to him soon and if not he would find it.

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: A young female had been sitting in a chair in the hall looking over a book in which had a language in which not many would recognize but it was almost alien looking with dots and connecting circles with filled or opened dots. Her crimson eyes locked on the book in which she read over but hearing movement she looked slowly over to a chair which now had a body in it. She froze up. The frail and rather pale girl was in a black dress with some frill at the v-neck and at the shoulders. She had a Victorian choker with a golden cross with a ruby in the center. Her silver long strands of moonlit hair fell to her lower back she simply looked to the man in slight fear and worry.

2011-08-03 [GlassCasket]: Cliff stood quickly and stepped back a little, "I am assuming you are the one who called me here?" He asked holding up a small letter that was worn and torn slightly, "You dont have to be afraid of me." He grinned, "Trust me i am not that bad of a guy." He said holding out his strong hand. His forearm shook nervously before he snapped it back into order mentally, "My name is Cliff, Cliff Fittir." At this point people would typically run and try to find some sort of haven from Cliff. Seeing as he was in a new area, however this shouldn't be a problem. Cliff wore his tight battlesuit which revealed all of his best assets. There were strange carvings from the Iron Magi in his battlesuit for protection and longevity. Even they couldn't foresee their destruction however.

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: The young female watched him and shuddered as he move his hands to show the letter she was now on her feet facing him but her weight back as though to simply leave if given trouble. Upon him reaching his hand out she pulled back and pulled her hands to her chest showing no intention of shaking his hand. His firm strong voice even gave her a slight fright. She noted his tight clothing as though he had been in battle; she now spoke just above a whisper in a soft manner, "No one is summoned here... this place if for those whom come from far and seek refuge and a home after the war.."

2011-08-04 [GlassCasket]: Cliff nodded and shook his hair out, "Alright i think i understand what happened then." He stood lower as to not put himself in an intimidating state, "I am sorry if i frightened you." He said flipping his gauntlets around his fingers and charging and then discharging them with lightning from his fingertips, "So do you have a name?" He asked trying to make himself less intimidating but failing miserably. His sheer body size made it hard for him to connect to people because they believe him to be all braun no brains but Cliff is actually quite intelligent.

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: Watching him discharge the wristbands she stepped back especially seeing the spark from his fingertips. A shudder made it's way down her back as she stood back; her thoughts torn from thinking when he spoke as to her having a name. Of course she had a name; the question made her eyes gaze to his and she nods softly whispering, "Yuki.."

2011-08-04 [GlassCasket]: Cliff smiled and looked back into her eyes unwaveringly, "Ah that is a wonderful name." He said stopping the flow of electricity to his fingers, "So what brought you here? Or is there someone in charge i should be talking to?" He asked wonderingly. His eyes went over her body then out to the side as he noticed movement out in the wastes, "Hmmm..." He said aloud wonder what could possibly be out there.

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: She watched his eyes and her hands made fists at her side as if ready to protect herself. She watching his orbs travel to the window behind her and she saw what he did and shook her head as she closed her eyes and then focused on his face, "No i am not in charge. I am here to simply hide. And this place is not waste. This entire premises has been refurbished and was hardly touched by the war. This entire castle is still in tact even the garden..." Her eyes lowered and she placed her hands to her side no-longer fists.

2011-08-04 [GlassCasket]: Cliff nodded, "Alright then..." He thought for a moment then decided it would be best to remain quiet for the time being. He slid back into his chair and kicked his foot off of the table so that the small silver ball on the table bounced into the air and towards his hand, "Now what the Hell are you?" He asked wondering about the spherical object that seemed to entrance him. He shrugged and then turned back to Yuki, "Alright so what exactly is the goal of this place? To run and hide?" He asked, "That can't possibly be it." He was getting a little flustered but he would not admit it. He wanted, he NEEDED to do something. Anything would be better than idle chatter.

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: She watched him sit back in his chair and hearing him curse she looked down thinking it directed toward her. However his next remark she softly began to speak, "No. This place is to give refuge to others and in the meantime restoring the world from it's state of chaos." She looked away and sadly her crimson eyes fell as her silver strands brushed her shoulder, "I know I am not good conversation.. you may leave.. I understand..."

2011-08-04 [GlassCasket]: Cliff stood up and smiled, "If i didn't think you were worth talking to you i wouldn't even bother my dear." He said with a half smile. He had not realized he had offended her but as it turns out there was a lot he had yet to realize. He figured he would just come here to do something but now it seems that there was nothing to do here either, "Just like at the Iron Order..." He said quietly, "So what do you do here exactly Yuki?" He asked tilting his head slightly.

2011-08-06 [Yudan333]: Yuki's crimson eyes had kept to the floor as they usually did. It seemed her head was in a lock; always gazing downward. She looked over however hearing him speak and showed the respect of locking eyes when speaking so that if he hadn't heard her soft voice he could hopefully see her lips moving. She swallowed first before speaking gently, "I am simply here. I have no purpose... simply wander..."

2011-08-07 [GlassCasket]: Cliff shook his head, "Everyone has a purpose!" He said confidently giving her a thumbs up, "The only reason you exist is to fulfill that purpose and you might not know exactly what it is yet but when you do figure it out i promise that you won't gaze into the floor when you have free time anymore." He said with a wink. Then cliff brushed the hair from in front of his face, "So is there any others here?" He asked.

2011-08-10 [Yudan333]: She looked down and then gazed over to him with soft eyes, "As much as I can tell the future I can hardly fortell my own reasoning or future." She then felt her cheeks lightly turn red and she then looked away from the male in which had spoken, "Yes. many others really. You should go to the male rooms and check for males I know the females are often out and about."

2011-08-10 [GlassCasket]: Cliff nodded, "Just remember what i said." He said smiling and then turned to walk away. He reached the door then reached for the handle before turning back to her, "Thank you very much for all your help. If you ever need anything just find me." He said with a wink then left for the male quarters

2011-08-19 [Yudan333]: Yuki simply watched him leave and looked down as she sat upon a chair gazing at the table as she closed her eyes thinking over indeed what he had said.

2011-12-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Caledonia walked down the hall slowly, her eyes taking in everything. She knew the hall well, but something just felt off that day. Of course, it could have just been her, that was certainly a possibility, and the most likely. She shrugged a little when everything seemed to be in place and kept walking, the bracelet on her ankle began to jingle softly now that she was walking at a normal speed.

2012-04-22 [Yudan333]: the young woman sitting in the chair near the window was quite pale in appearance gazed to the Fey, "It is rare I ever come across your kind. It is perhaps a miracle at that." She gazed down to her frail hands and touched them, "These times it is rare to see any for that matter."

2012-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "My kind don't fair well in war." Caledonia said as she came to a halt, looking to the young woman. Her eyes scanned the woman quickly, the way she'd survived this long was by being observant and avoiding confrontation as much as she could.

2012-04-22 [Yudan333]: She nods and looked out the window with her crimson eyes focused on the rather lovely daylight, "My kinda was supposed to be warriors but I guess I was unlike all my siblings. I am so different. I am no good at war only predictions and reading."

2012-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Caledonia nodded a little, "I don't think being different is such a bad thing." She said as she walked to the window to gaze outside, "Otherwise, life would be very boring."

2012-04-22 [Yudan333]: She nods lightly gazing out, "I do wonder what it is that allows us all to live together. After this great war we are all lucky to have survived. I only hope that those around us will realize that we need to come together."

2012-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Caledonia nodded a little, "It will take time for different species to work together, but they've already proven that they're willing to try by living under the same roof.

2012-04-22 [Yudan333]: Yuki nods and smiled lightly looking outside, "I suppose you are right. They have taken the first step." She gazed over to the Fey, "So tell me more about your species. I do not know too much about them as I have never met one."

2012-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Caledonia shrugged a little, "Gentle people, for the most part. there are always a few bad ones. Powerful, but not in a way that could have saved most of them. We don't like being around a lot of different species... Love music, love nature."

2012-04-22 [Yudan333]: She gazed out the window and smiled, "Your people sound very wise. you were once known as the keepers of the forest. THe nature lovers I suppose. It was a rather beautiful time."

2012-04-23 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Caledonia looked outside and smiled a little, "Well, it will be again.. I'm determined." She chuckled a little, "Hopefully."

2012-04-23 [Yudan333]: Yuki simply gazed to the massive garden outside, "So are you new here or have you met anyone else at the time?" She questioned only wondering if she had the pleasure of meeting another.

2012-04-23 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "I've been here for a while. I've only met one other, very briefly. Otherwise, I keep to my room and usually I only walk around when I know certain places are empty." Caledonia looked at her, "What about you?"

2012-04-23 [Yudan333]: She blinked, "Oh i am sorry i am so very rude. My name is Yuki. I'm a lycan but our more common name is werewolf. I have been here for a few days. I know many people here though I do not talk to them much as I am rather shy to be honest.. but please be careful of a vampire named amber. She means no harm but her lust is strong.."

2012-04-23 [GlassCasket]: Cliff walked back into the main hall stretching and looking around casually. He noticed that another creature had entered the room, "Oh hello." He said with a smile. He felt so out of place here. Everything seemed so calm and tranquil, it was unsettling, "Name's Cliff." He said walking over to the two slowly.

2012-04-23 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Caledonia nodded a little, "Pleased to meet you, I'm Caledonia..." She trailed off when she herd Cliff, looking away from the window to look at him. "Two in one day.." She whispered, briefly looking outside. She had only ever met one other person living here, and his name was Kenneth. Caledonia looked back to Cliff, "Caledonia."

2012-04-23 [Yudan333]: Yuki looked to CLiff and nodded at seeing him again, "It is a pleasure to see you again mr. Cliff. Did you go to the dining hall? Or were you in your room?"

2012-04-23 [GlassCasket]: Cliff nodded to Caledonia then looked over to Yuki, "The pleasure is all mine." He said with a smile, "I just went to the lobby of the male quarters, nothing seemed remotely interesting so i decided to come back." He said then quickly stated, "I'd much rather be in your company." He grinned and sat down.

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